Greetings inter-space,
Minor computer failure and some complete updates:
A tip of the hat to Richard P., who saved my computer from the brink of utter destruction. If you have (or had...) AVG anti-virus software, that 2011 update is a doozie. Unless you are a friends with a computer savvy individual or are one yourself, you might as well hit your computer with a car. It's cool though, worlds end all the time. We're still kicking.
Two months have yielded some good tidings, some bad. The holidays are over, that's a relief, now what to do with all this free time? Go back to school! The classes are interesting and the resources are handy. Let freedom ring!
I am now a published journalist! Check out my green living page at All articles are to be posted in a format relevant to living in Milwaukee, so my next challenge is to not sound like I'm advertising all the time.
Here, however, will be the platform for my next experiment: going vegan. Vegans have been assimilated into such groups as idiots, extremists, and PETA, company that I assure everyone I do not keep. Aspects of veganism include not eating any animal products including honey, dairy, meat, and so forth; not wearing any animal by products like leather or fur; and sometimes includes a frowny attitude toward pet ownership. My version, or what I'm paring it down to, does not exclude pets, honey, or leather (I just bought a rad pair of keens for the extensive Wisconsin weather, it's practical, ok?). This is more of a dietary experiment, in honor of my forefathers, and greatly in the key of greater physical harmony. As a disclaimer, I'll mention that I do not begrudge philosophical vegans their distaste for leather, honey, pets, whatever; I know all about the meat and dairy industry. It's sick and wrong and should be regulated by ethical peoples with concern for the well being of all beings. I continue to hope and aspire toward such Utopian times, as is my lot in life, while I enjoy Stilton bleu on rye sesame crackers. Life is too short. But this month, I fast.
So far, I think I'll only really miss cheese, which I put on almost everything; and yogurt, which I use to help regulate intestinal problems; another reason for this move. The
vegan butter I had this morning on toast was pretty comparable. Butter to my knowledge isn't one of those things most people can readily discern from one brand to another unless it's margarine, which of course is not butter. We'll see, this is only day one.