Everything I eat is a damn vegetable. This is healthy, this is good, this is just a temporary experiment to see what I would feel like if I were a vegan. Today, however, the heat was out at work and it was shipment day. So all day I was putting away stock to raise my body heat (the store was just over 50 degrees) and now, I would about kill for a hot cheese anything. I even made a preemptive attempt to quell this post-work feeding frenzy by going to the local vegetarian deli and getting a delicious looking tofu stir-fry and a mint chocolate vegan cookie. Then I realized I forgot my wallet at home. I'd walk back, but it's 15 degrees and I have had it with being cold for the day. Now I don't know whether to console myself with peanut butter or wait for the "sausage" to thaw so I can have some with more rice. There is a greater side to this: I'm noticing a habitual trend to eating, especially when it comes to comfort, wherein lies a fruitful dialogue on consumption and habits and stress... but I don't wanna think right now I wanna eat.
Hehe...this would be easy if I didn't have to eat all those damn vegetables! Love reading about your experiment, Leslie. Have fun with it.