As this venue is to be a kind of log of my achievements/ failures in the real world, I will not be posting any work from my tender undergrad days here, besides this:

That was fun! The real deal is hanging in the Kunzelmann Esser Lofts Gallery ( 710 W. Historic Mitchell St. hours 11a-4p) until May 30th. This little diddy is one of ten, so check it out if you're curious. If not, have fun with your boring safe life you wanker. Just kidding.
In addition to my photographic explorations I would like to add that when I graduate I will also be recognized as having a second degree in creative writing. All the fun of words without the grammatical restrictions! Ok, not really but in a sense kind of. My portfolio as it is is due this Friday after which I'd be delighted to post a sample of my latest story right here at the waterpark. Until then!
(Brief mandatory disclaimer: this blog thus far and until next Thursday is "officially" the site where I post my science fiction film class blog assignments. After this it will be English and Arts all day all night every time. So for now, you'll just have to put up with my extensive knowledge on Jurassic Park, mmK?)
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