One of the hands down most agreed upon places to have awesome ideas is in the shower. I was thinking about this between my washing and rinsing routines, feeling my muscles relaxing in the hot spray from the shower; why doesn't somebody invent a better shower head? Furthermore, why don't all shower heads come with a switch at the top to pause your shower and not lose that perfect temp you wasted so much water finding? Some shower heads have this, but they're usually the sucky ones that some jerkoff put a watersaver disk into that makes sure your shower is aggravatingly slow. Therefore, I think the best solution to this would be a mist setting on all shower heads. Think of the possibilities: Ten minutes into your shower, you done splashing around and ready to get down to the real business of bathing. Pausing the shower means essentially turning off the water and risking getting cold. Nobody except the indulgently challenged likes being cold in the shower so instead, what if there were a mist option? Hot mist would cascade upon you while you wash your hair, shave yourself, and perform all other tasks necessary to being in a quiet room where for forty damn minutes nobody can bother you.
Somebody should pay me for this shit.